Goodbye Bilenky…
I’m not ashamed to admit it. I was a little sad to put away my Bilenky cargo bike. It has been my constant companion on a lot of my photo shoots and has been a symbol of sorts for my alter ego as Eco-Friendly Bicycling Photographer. It was tough to put it away and I felt a bit protective of her (we wrapped the sign up in a towel). I know in my heart of heart’s its just a bike. But for me it’s a symbol, a sort of physical manifestation of this dream that I made real to be a bicycling photographer. Proof that I took a veritable “crazy” idea and made it into something real and viable.
Well, the next crazy idea is about to begin. There may be a slight chance that I’ll switch back to the Bilenky as we pass through California. We’ll see. But for now, that chapter of my life is coming to a temporary close.
I bid you adieu my big orange bike!
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Russ, When I go to watch the video it says that it is a “private video”. It could be that I am in Greece right now, but I doubt that that is it, because I’ve been able to watch your other videos. I just wanted you to know, as it is something you likely want to fix.
Have fun on your trip… and keep up the good work. Hopefully I’ll be able to view your next video.
Darren – thanks! It was set to private. Switched.
Woa, I got nervous when I read the title. I thought you sold it too! Glad to see it’s just in storage, since it is synonymous with you.