Laura and I are here in Tucson after a few long days of riding. We met our host, Michael about 22 miles out of Tucson and rode in together, getting a neat tour of the suburbs.

Since we have access too WiFi again (yay!), we’re going to do another UStream broadcast from Tucson. Here are the details.

When: 6pm PST (for you Long Beach folks) / 7pm Arizona time / 9pm EST

We are planning to start having a bit more of a planned program so its more like a show and less like a highschool party line. So we’ll catch you all up on our travels from Salton Sea to Tucson, then talk to Michael about how the bike transformed his life (losing 150lbs in just a year!) and his new Tucson bike advocacy website –, Russ will geek out on a product review, then we’ll open it up to questions.

So set your clocks and laptops everyone and hope to see you there!