Brompton Doodles for Sale!
Since I’ve picked up drawing again, I’ve been doodling a lot! I’ve been trying to do a few illustrations a day for our upcoming illustrated guide and that means drawing a lot of Bromptons in various styles and folded states. I thought it would be fun to offer the drawings as little pieces of artwork from the road.
Each drawing is an actual drawing and not a photocopy. As I get an order I’ll draw it (specify if you want the Brompton folded or unfolded) in my sketch book with a brush pen and grey markers, cut it out and mail it to you at the next post office we find. Each one will be a little different but have the same style of a heavy brush line with warm grey shading. Each drawing is about 4×5 (current size of the sketch book I’m using) on white acid free paper and the price will be $15 per drawing.
If you’re interested, you can either email me or go to this PayPal link. Please be sure to include a) a mailing address and b) in what folded state you want the Brompton to be drawn in. If you like, I will also inscribe where it was drawn (for example, Cut Bank, Montana). We’re always trying creative ways to help us to continue to travel and you all have been so supportive. I’m hoping this is another way you can be part of our journey. Email us and get yours today!
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Cool drawings. What kind of pens are you using?
You should make the drawings postcards, that way when they’re mailed it’ll have the PO stamp from your current city. And if they get a little scuffed, well that’s just authentic touring wear.
Like the postcard idea as well. Would be nice to get posted to the UK