Video: Portland Tweed Ride
It’s been a little quiet on the site, but we’ve been busy! In the last few weeks we’ve been diving deep into all the mysteries of video production. We even got a great crash course from another film duo up in Seattle called Visual Contact. They were kind enough to come down on short notice with all their gear and spend hours asking ALL our questions. One of the insights we came away with from the National Bike Summit this past year is that bike advocates have to be better storytellers. So we’ve been honing our video storytelling skills with some some web videos for clients, but also a lot of fun self-assigned projects like this year’s Portland Tweed Ride.
Although it was wet and threatened rain all day, a healthy number of dapper looking folks came out and fun was had by all. I packed light and actually shot the entire video with one lens and a monopod for support! It was a great exercise in simplicity and seeing instead of relying on too much equipment.
The great irony of our current lives is that for all the advocacy of bike travel and tourism we’re doing, we’ve had very little chance to do any travel or touring ourselves. Sigh. It’s gotten to the point where we actually have to schedule in some bike adventure time. We are hoping to do some bike camping this weekend if the weather holds up (fingers crossed). Enjoy the video and if you’re interested in hiring us for some video work, send us an email!
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Great vid Russ! Care to share the musician/group who did the score….., thanks!
Portland looks like it’s got its fair share of good eggs. Tweed to be proud of.