Some Thanks, Some Photos
A few thanks are in order from our stay in Portland that I want to point out before we forget. Thanks to Wayne and Rose for letting us stay with them for the first few…
Video Update
We’re here in Corvallis. Going to do some housekeeping on the site and will be streamlining how we upload and maintain things. Our first two days of riding was a good test of what worked…
Presentation at Roots Brewery
Thanks to Dan Kaufman of CrankMyChain for recording and uploading the video. Apologies for the sweatiness in the first 20 minutes. It was hot and we sprinted over there and well … I just sweat…
Bike Move the Movie
A little movie about our bike move experience in Portland. Shot on an iPhone and a GoPro Hero wide : )
Roots Brewery – Monday Night (8/3) at 6:00pm
Join us for an event that BikePortland is helping put on at Root’s Organic Brewing! We’re super excited to kick off our trip in the bike Mecca of the US. Where: Root’s Organic Brewing (1520…
A Perfect Bikey Portland Day
If you’re following us on twitter (@pathlesspedaled ) then you already know that we participated in a quintessential Portland bikey experience – the bike move. We heard about it yesterday from our chance encounter with…
A message from home : )
A message from our happy hour group in Long Beach. Miss you guys!
Yay! Made it to Portland!
After a beautiful and relaxing train ride we arrive in Portland, land of bikes, beer, books, bridges, beans and alliteration : ) We’ve visited Portland several times during the last few years and have fallen…
Friday AM on the train…
Crossed the border into OR. Detraines in Kalamath Falls for a bit. Beautiful out here. See and download the full gallery on posterous Posted via email from russroca’s posterous
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