UPDATED:Video Review: Olympus EP3 vs. EPM1
Yep, that image was shot with a camera a little bigger than your average point and shoot. If you were to weigh all the stuff I carry while touring, you’d be surprised to note that…
Fall in Oregon
One of the things I never really experienced growing up in Southern California was Fall. For a kid in Los Angeles, I pretty much only remember two seasons: hot summer and warm summer. Concepts like…
2012 PathLessPedaled Calendar
We just finished laying out our new calendar with our favorite images from our Big Adventure Small Wheels trip! It’s crazy to think that this is our third calendar! Every year we have the tall…
Preview: Olympus PEN system for Video
As you know, I’ve been on a quest to minimize our electronics even further. On our first trip, I was lugging around a DSLR, lightstand, tripod, strobes, etc., Since then, I’ve drastically cut down the…
Video: All the Small Things
Just a quick video about some of the small things we carry while on tour. I shot it mostly to test out the capabilities of the Olympus EP3 as a video camera. So far, so…
Is Long Beach Bike Friendly Yet?
It has almost been three years since we first left Long Beach, CA to travel by bicycle. When we left, there was a lot of excitement about bicycling in Long Beach. The grassroots bike advocacy…
Has Our Trip Changed Your Perception of Bromptons?
We’re pretty excited to be going to Interbike this year with the help of our friends from Nashville Bicycle Lounge! We’ll be keeping an eye out for new commuting and touring products so check the…
Zen and the Art of Brompton Touring
If you told us three years ago that we would be touring on Bromptons, we would have thought you were mad. We had just outfitted our Surly Long Haul Truckers, perhaps the most ubiquitous touring…
Of Snakes and Bears
Playing a little catch-up on all the footage. In this episode we finally leave Oregon, but not before having to climb out of the Grand Ronde river valley up Rattlesnake Grade. Rattlesnake Grade is a…
One Month of Loaded Touring on the Bromptons, or ‘No, it’s not a Bike Friday’
I walked out of the supermarket the other day, pushing my folded and grocery-laden Brompton in front of me. Wheeling it around on the casters, I maneuvered it around the soda machine and the shopping…
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