Days 49-54: Eugene, OR to Harris Beach S.P.
Days 49-50 took us from Eugene to Winchester Bay. We decided to make our way to the coast and take the coast route south to San Francisco. From Eugene, we back-track the route that we…
Days 43-48: Orcas Island to Eugene, OR
On Day 43, we thank Carl and Beth profusely for letting us stay with them so much, and we head out on the road again. Carl accompanies us to the ferry landing and takes us…
Days 31-42: Around the San Juan Islands (& Victoria)
Days 31-33 were spent on Orcas Island, with our extremely generous hosts, Carl & Beth. We take over their pop-up trailer in the yard, listen to the sounds of horses on the other side of…
Photos: Smith River Redux
Two years ago, Laura and I went on a tour with some friends down the Oregon coast. It was our first big tour and everything was so intimidating and harrowing. Perhaps the toughest stretch of…
Days 22-31 : Twanoh S.P. to Orcas Island
Today marks one month since we left Long Beach. I can’t decide if it feels like we’ve been on the road for much much longer, or if time has just zipped past. I do know,…
Days 19, 20, 21: Seaquest S.P. to Potlatch S.P.
From Seaquest State Park, we headed East on Highway 504 (Mount St. Helens Hwy). The morning was cool, the road was quiet, and the scenery was amazing. We passed Silver Lake, with a floating fishing…
Days 16 – 18 (Portland to Seaquest)
(Updated from a booth at the McMenamins Olympic Club in Centralia, WA) Passing through Portland our second time was bittersweet. I think in our heart of hearts both Laura and I have decided that Portland…
Days 13, 14, 15: Corvallis back to Portland
We’re going to start tracking our trip by the number of days on the road, starting with Day 1, leaving Long Beach on Amtrak. It’ll help with narrating the experience… So, flash forward to Days…
Piecing together our route
Yippee – I can officially say that our route is beginning to come together! After spending some time in Portland and Corvallis (Oregon), we’re headed up into Washington. The exact route is yet to be…
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