Our Winter Plans
Neither of us can quite believe that winter is upon us, yet again. We had so much hot and humid weather for so long – and, then, sometime in the last few weeks, summer disappeared…
Join us in Boston!
We’re currently in Providence but will be in Boston in a few days. The fine folks at BikesNotBombs are helping us set up a presentation! It will be our last one for this journey before…
We are in Brooklyn and are giving a presentation tomorrow (Friday, October 8th!) This place is wild and crazy and amazing all rolled into one. We didn’t think we would be able to do one,…
Let’s Meet up in Philly!
If you’re a reader in Philly, we’d love to meet you! We didn’t get a chance to set up a presentation this time around, but we still would love to talk touring and bikes! We’re…
Snaps: East Coast Blur
Everything is closer together in the East coast. In the West, we could travel days and weeks before reaching a city of any size. In the East, things are a lot more compressed. We’ve been…
It’s Almost Here…
We are very excited to announce that we will be launching our first e-book on Monday! Panniers & Peanut Butter is a comprehensive gear guide, based on what we have used, broken, tried and lusted…
Heading North
A few days ago, we made a command decision to hop on a train. We looked at the maps and we looked at the calendar and we thought about what we wanted to do with…
Durham S24O
Our S24O in Durham was a great success. Jack, our host and a local bike advocate did an amazing job of picking a route and coordinating the logistics. We had a real varied mix of…
Durham Presentation and S240!
Just a reminder that we’re giving a presentation on bike touring in Durham tomorrow night (Friday)! If you’re in the Durham, Raleigh, Cary area and have always wanted to know what it was like to…
Recommended Reading
We love to read. And we love to always have a book or two on hand. This was true before we left on this trip (which is why we had to clear out approx 1200…
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