If You Sign it, Will They Come? (The Old West Scenic Bikeway a year later…)
We just got back from about a week in Eastern Oregon filming and photographing the Blue Mountain Century Scenic Bikeway. While we were filming in that part of Oregon we were reminded of just how…
Oregon’s Bike Friendly Business Program
Here’s a sneak peek at one of the video projects we’ve been working on. Oregon is about to launch the nation’s first state-wide bike friendly business recognition program targeted specifically towards bike travelers. This is…
5 Reasons Why Bicycle Tourism Matters
Three full days of countless conversations with fellow advocates at the National Bike Summit has made us realize the importance of bicycle tourism to the larger bike movement. One of the most interesting presentations we…
Three Very Full Days at the National Bike Summit
Our first National Bike Summit is a wrap and, while we’re still digesting everything that we learned, we’re exceedingly glad that we attended. Beyond just our interest in what the League meant by this year’s…
National Bike Summit, here we come…
The theme for this year’s National Bike Summit is “Bikes Mean Business.” Considering that we’ve been banging that drum for the past few years, talking about how bicycle travel can bring economic benefit and save…
What is Bicycle Tourism?
Readers of this site know that we are involved with advocating for bicycle tourism. But what is “bicycle tourism” really? Bicycle tourism is an emergent way of understanding an array of economic activities involving the…
This Winding Road
Things did not go as planned this year. Our lofty, yet attainable, goals just seemed to slip through our fingers. And, while I’ve long felt that I should just make peace with the way things…
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