Why are Swift Bags so Expensive?
In this livestream we do a deep dive with Martina Brimmer from Swift Industries about how her role has changed as Swift Industries has grown. We get a peak into what it is like to…
#PLPTalks – Martina Brimmer from Swift Industries
In this installment of #PLPTalks, we chat with our good friend Martina at Swift Industries and what it means for the business to turning 10 years old!
Bikefishing Class with Swift Industries
This past weekend we got to collaborate with our friends at Swift Industries on a Bikefishing Class at the Stay Wild Adventure Expo. For longtime readers, you’ll probably remember our trip with Swift a few…
First Look: Swift Industries Wald 137 Bag and UltraSwift Wizard Sleeve
In this vid, we interview our friends at Swift Industries about two new bags they are releasing. One of them is specifically made for the popular Wald 137 basket, which we are super excited about….
Review: Swift Industries Hinterland Pannier
In this video, we review a pannier from the Swift Industries Hinterland Collection. Lightweight, svelte and black, this pannier if perfect for an overnighter, commuting or if you prefer to do light weight bike touring.
Video Review: Swift Industries Hinterland Ozette Rando Bag
In this video we take a look at the Swift Industries Hinterland Ozette Rando bag. Made of lightweight X-Pac, it’s a great mashup between the traditional form factor of French randonneuring bags and modern materials….
Pedaler’s Fair Round-Up
For the last few years, Seattle cyclists have always looked on with envy at BikeCraft, Portland’s bikey craft show. For the uninitiated, you could buy everything from clothing, rain capes, art prints, bike mustaches to…
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