Review: Da’ Brim Rezzo Visor
We like to march to the beat of our own drummer here on PathLessPedaled, so sometimes that leads us to trying things out that may go against conventional wisdom. For example, riding in flat pedals, touring with a 16 inch wheel folding bike, and touring with a paella pan :). It keeps things interesting. In the same vein, we’re going to make a bold statement here: Da Brim’s Rezzo visor is the most functional bike helmet visor ever. I’m sure there are lots of roadies cringing at something so Fredtastic. Deal with it : )
Most bike helmets have more a symbolic visor than a functional one. From an aesthetic POV they look nice and sporty, but from a functional POV they just don’t work. Often they are too short to block the sun or shield you from rain. Their only real function is to fill your parts bin and make your mountain bike helmet look aggro.
The Rezzo visor aims to fix that…in a big way. It is composed of two parts, an elastic band that is tightened around the perimeter of your helmet with a Velcro area in the forward facing half. The second part is the visor which you can attach via the Velcro. The detachable visors come in a variety of patterns and sizes (3, 3.5 and 4 inch models). The folks at Da Brim sent us two pairs and visors in various sizes to try them out.
They would probably be great for blocking out the sun, but here during the winter in the PNW we’ve discovered another great use for them, blocking out the rain! When on tour or commuting, I always dreaded the rain. Not so much for the getting wet part (that sucks too), but usually after a few minutes the droplets of water would bead up on my glasses rending me essentially blind. There have been more than a few times, when I’ve simply given up wiping them with my fingers and have ridden with them off.
The Rezzo, because the visor is so long and functional actually keeps the rain off my glasses so I can see. Woohoo! Although I’m not a big fan of getting soaked, atleast I know I’ll be able to see where I’m going. And YES, I have tried cycling caps of different varieties wool, cotton, synthetic with varying lengths of visors and NONE compare to the coverage of a Rezzo.
This leads neatly into the next question, how is it with the wind? Since the weather has been so craptacular lately, we’ve been able to thoroughly test that out. It does fine and really depends on the angle you have your Rezzo set up. By tilting it slightly downward (it has infinite angle selection because of the velcro attachment), you can make it as aero as fits your riding style. I’ve ridden it on wet days with gusts up to 30mph and have managed just fine. Laura’s impressions are that that its stable in the wind. There is a slight tug, but it’s not going to rip your head off. This makes it ideal for rides where there is a lot of ascending and descending.
Although we haven’t had a chance to try the Rezzo out in full blown sun (we’re in the PNW afterall), we’re eager to take them with us on our upcoming California desert tour. We are fairly certain that they will provide great sun coverage! Of the three sizes, I find myself using the 3 inch version the most and will use the 3.5 when it gets really icky out there. Laura prefers the 3.5 inch version. It’s really up to personal preference and how comfortable you feel with something sticking out of your helmet.
Conclusion: Highly Recommend 9/10
The Rezzo will look a little odd for many, but hey, so does riding a Brompton with a backpack! This product is not for people with fragile self-esteems or those who take their bike wardrobe too seriously. In terms of pure functionality, the Rezzo wins hands down. The original sombrero style Da’ Brim offered great coverage but could lead to some dodgy moments bombing quick steep passes. The Rezzo rectifies that, offering good coverage from rain and sun with minimal wind tug. If you want the coverage it brings but can’t quite stand the Fredtasticness, you can always remove it from your helmet with the velcro. For us, the Rezzo will definitely become part of our touring must-haves.
(Keep our adventures going and the site growing! If you’ve enjoyed our stories, videos and photos over the years, consider buying our ebook Panniers and Peanut Butter, or our new Brompton Touring Book, or some of the fun bike-themed t-shirts we’re designing, or buying your gear through our Amazon store.)
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I just used it for a 5 island tour in Riau Indonesia and went thru thunderstorms and hot blazing sun. This makes touring so much more comfortable, cool in the sun, dry in the rain. Love it!
Just wondering what size is best for combined sun protection and being able to see. The reviewers wore these in the rain. Does anyone have experience using this visor for sun and a preference for size?
Looks great to me, though as you say the roadies will sneer. For me, functionality is number one, and this is ideal for a heavy downpour or continuous drizzle. Cheers
Would be great for us here in torrential Cornwall,too!Paired with a disposable showercap over the helmet(available from all good cheap business hotels)!
My face sunburns easily and I have allergic reactions to sunscreen so I generally wear a ball cap in lieu of a helmet to protect my face. Maybe this is the answer to my dilemma. Thanks.
Holy Fredtastic is right,but I need one. Thanks for the review
Thanks for writing this review. How do the wraparound brims compare for city and light recreational riding?
David – we have pretty much stopped using the full version of the brim since the visors came out. The full versions are great at slow speeds and when it is not too windy out…so something like on a leisurely beach ride on a hot day.
Thanks for replying; I really appreciate the definite answer.
My wife and I ride recumbents and we really appreciated having them on our tour of the San Juans and down through Washington and Oregon this summer. We started out with the wider model and switched over to the narrower model. It is especially nice when you are riding into the sun. When not needed, it fits easily into my seat bag. It is great!
I just made my own out of an old soda bottle, cost about $2 for the velcro to attach it and since it is clear it doesn’t block your visibility at all.
They do indeed keep the sun off of your face.
However, it would be nice if they could make one that is not as heavy. It weighs down my helmet to the point of being pretty uncomfortable.