New Artwork and Postcards
We just got a new shipment of postcards from the printer! If you’re stuck inside and want to liven up your wall or work from home environment, these postcards are printed on a heavy matte…
Review: Bearclaw Beaux Jaxon
Bearclaw is a small bike brand based out of Michigan focusing on titanium off pavement bikes. The Beaux Jaxon is an interesting mashup between a gravel bike and a plus bike. Different from a mountain…
Ochoco Overlander
The Ochoco Overlander is a semi-supported bikepacking event put on by the folks at GoodBikeCo in Prineville, Oregon. Based on Sarah Swallow’s Back Country Explorer route, it provides a more accessible way to experience the…
How to Pronounce Pannier
Pannier is one of the most mispronounced words in the bicycling lexicon and its origins are often misunderstood. Where does the word come from? Is it a French or English word? What is the correct…
5 Tips for Bike Touring and Traveling as a Couple
2019 marks our 10th years a PathLessPedaled! For over a decade Laura and I have been riding bikes together and going bike touring together. While things go smoothly these days, that wasn’t always the case….
First Look: Blackburn Elite Outpost Bikepacking Bags
Blackburn has upped their bikepacking game with their new Elite line of bags. In this video, I take a first look at their upgraded handlebar harness, frame bag and seat bag. One big change across…
4 Ways to Have Fun on a Bike (Without Racing)
When we first got into cycling a decade ago, there were few options presented to us at bike shops other than racing or a beach cruiser. When we asked about bike touring, we were often…
PODCAST: What is Bike Fun?
We’ve fired up our podcast again and in this episode we interview Ayleen Crotty, a long time Portland “bike funnist.” We talk about the idea of bike fun, how it developed in early Portland as…
Downsides of Endless Travel
The “dream” is to sell everything and travel forever, right? In this video, I talk about something that doesn’t often get discussed and that is the downsides of endless travel. We were fortunate enough in…
Flying with a Bike (Part 1)
This year, one of our New Year resolutions is to travel more. To help facilitate that, we recently got a bike case to review from Post Carry Co. We’ve flown with Bromptons before, but never…
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