Holloman Saddle Gravel Loop
In this video, we ride one of the classic mixed terrain loops out of Missoula, Montana – Holloman Saddle. It is approximately 60 miles in length with 3500 feet of climbing on mostly either quiet…
Riding the Route of the Hiawatha Scenic Bike Trail
In this vid we tick off one of the iconic bucket list rides in the region, the Route of the Hiawatha Rail Trail. Instead of riding it from top to bottom as most do, we…
Winter Missoula Gravel Ride
In this vid, I brave the winter weather and go for a short gravel loop taking the Ewok trail back home. Curious what riding is like in Missoula in the winter? Check it out!
Cycling Southwest Montana: Ride Around the Pioneer Mountains
In this video we ride a portion of the RATPOD route (Ride Around the Pioneer Mountains in One Day) in two days. We run into a few Great Divide riders, pedal up and over the…
Cycling Southwest Montana: Day 1
We just wrapped up a week of riding and exploring in Southwest Montana! We rode a little of everything from the a section of the Trans Am, to new gravel roads and a portion of…
Topanga Creek Outpost
When is a bike shop MORE than just a bike shop?! When its an outpost! Topanga Creek Outpost is a unique shop tucked in the mountains of Topanga State Park and is a great example…
Riding Sulphur Mountain in Ojai
In this vid, we ride one of the classic mixed terrain / gravel rides in Ojai, CA. It is a gut buster with a ton of climbing. The upside is that the gravel portion is…
Bicycle Touring Videos: San Luis Obispo, Morro Bay, Montana De Oro
Currently updating from a nice little bike friendly hotel in Ojai, CA where we’ve been enjoying the nice sunny weather. We’ve left the San Luis Obispo area and have caught up no some video editing….
Local’s Ride: Mt Tabor
We are always experimenting with different ways to share the riding experience…even if they do look slightly odd to the occasional bystander. In this vid, I take out our GoPro and chest mount and do…
The Harriman Trail in Idaho
We first got tipped off about the Harriman trail from a friend in Portland who was going on a road trip through Idaho. He suggested we check it out. After a little research it looked…
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