Carrying water…

Our recent trip through the Carrizo Plain really taught us some great lessons for some situations we’ll be facing in the future. One of them, was how to carry A LOT of water. I did…

The Preview Trip

Like Russ posted the other day, we’re leaving town tomorrow (Wednesday) for a week and a half of cycling fun around Central California. (Train to San Luis Obispo, out to Morro Bay for a night,…

1st Mobile Post!

Ok, not exactly blogging from anywhere exotic (the livingroom), but testing out the WP app for the iPod touch! Now only if I could take photos too. Darn. After some messing around with the iPod…

Meet Eeyore

Because there is a story behind almost everything we own – Meet Eeyore… Eeyore has always held a special place in my heart. He was always my favorite character from the Christopher Robin books, which…