Below, you’ll find our curated list of essential blog posts. From selling everything, to three years of traveling by bike, to our work in the growing field of bicycle tourism, these are the posts which we feel best represent our journey since launching this site in March 2009.
What it Takes to Leave it All Behind
The first step is getting rid of all of the stuff.
Some Words Haunt You
The moments that add up to make you ready to go.
This is Where it Gets Interesting
It's the memories tangled up in the things that makes us keep the things.
Our Home is Not Our Home
That moment when our home is reduced to just four walls and empty space.
Our Saddest Happy Hour
It's always the people you remember. And it's the people you miss most when you leave.
Three Years on the Road
To read our daily reports from the road, follow the tag Riding Days.
The Great Fear
There's something to be afraid of, and it's not the bears or the drug cartels or the endless unknown...
A Lifetime of Memories for a Shoeful of Dust
What it means to trade in a prime earning year for a prime living year.
Shelter from the (Wind) Storm
One of many experiences of connecting with strangers in ways we never expected.
One of Those Moments
A short video that captures some of the magic of traveling.
My Own Cautionary Tale
A lapse in judgement, a burned hand, questions about what we're doing.
"D" is for Displacement
Even a dream life isn't rosy all the time.
What it Feels Like to Break Down
The Texas winds get into Laura's head during a grueling ride and she crumples under the weight.
The Fire in the Sky
And sometimes you think you're about to die by missile fire.
Always Thinking About Food
Eating well while traveling by bike is difficult, to say the least, and it always gives us pause.
Things Fall Apart
The road is hard on your few belongings.
Minimalism on a Bicycle
Our urge for things does not go away simply because we have sold all our furniture and carry our whole lives on a bicycle.
Traveling Without Moving
Pausing to remember before re-entering "normal" life again.
Who Moved My Cheese?
Fumbling through "coming back."
You're Doing it Wrong
We think the best way for anyone to go bike touring is on a bike, the rest is just personal details.
How to Talk to Your Partner About Bike Touring
It's not easy to broach the topic of bike touring to an unwilling partner. We know, we've been there. But it's worth it!
Nine Year Anniversary... and Other Adventures
How do you travel together and not kill each other?
Inside an International Bike Incident
Road rage is a cyclist's worst nightmare, and something we never thought we'd actually experience.
This Phenomenon We Call "Bicycle Tourism"
Economics of Bike Touring
We begin to see how bicycle tourism can make an indelible impact on small towns, and bring places back from the brink.
5 Easy Ways to be a Bike-Friendly Business
Tips that we still stand by.
NZ Cycle Trail and Rural Communities
A short video featuring interviews from key people involved in the NZ Cycle Trail.
Bicycling is the New Gold Rush
The final Kiwi Chronicles episode, in which a lot of theories start to be real.
Video: Interview with Bill White
Bill White saw the possibilities of bike tourism and built Bike Camp in Twin Bridges, MT.
What is Bicycle Tourism?
Bicycle Tourism is a large tent, and we start to break it down.
How Businesses can Attract Bike Travelers
A few simple ideas to help you tip-toe into bike tourism.
5 Reasons Why Bicycle Tourism Matters
Bringing the case for bicycle tourism to the bike advocacy world.
If You Sign It, Will They Come?
We return to the Old West Scenic Bikeway a year after filming.
The Tourism Part of Bike Tourism
A few takeaways from the tourism world that can be applied to bike tourism.
3 Lessons About Bicycle Tourism from Rural Bike Advocates
How does bike tourism *really* work with rural communities?
From Bird Hunting to Bicycle Tours
Short video from our interview with Treo Bike Tours owner Phil Carlson.
Bikeshare as Bike Tourism
In which we're convinced of the value of bikeshare, but from a tourism point-of-view.
Flat Tire Lounge: Bikes, Beer and Business
Short video from our interview with one of the owners of Flat Tire Lounge in Madrid, Iowa.
Lessons from the Great Shasta Rail Trail
The importance of communication and branding, brought to life in a real-world example.